
Journey of a Red Soul by Marie Dion

Special Edition | Full Color 6″ x 9″, Signed by Author

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this special edition of “Journey of a Red Soul” will be donated to Tribal Crafts, Inc. Funds raised will be used to help foster a bridge between grandmothers, mothers and their children using traditional art as a conduit, giving them opportunity, and helping to empower women in their lives and make a better life for their children. Healing the past, and for a brighter future for all. Read More

ORDER HERE | SPECIAL EDITION / Signed | 6″ x 9″ Full Color | $25.55

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Selected paintings from her original artwork are featured in this full color (8.5″ x 11″) Softcover version of the book.

ORDER SOFTCOVER | 8.5″ x 11″ Full Color | $38.95


ORDER HARDCOVER | 6″ x 9″ Interior Black & White | $28.95

ORDER PAPERBACK | 6″ x 9″ Interior Black & White | $11.99


The Twelve Instructions Journal by Marie Dion

“The Twelve Instructions” were given to my dear friend 20 years ago after asking Creator, “What message could I bring to women, each a different healer, to help support us in our journey?” These words came quickly on the wind to her ears. I believe they are a message to all who wish to follow a path of healing for themselves and those they assist.

The Twelve Instructions that I include in this journal are exactly as they came through Kathy Leone- Eagle Mother, now Spirit Wind, and should be respected as such. There are no additions to these instructions and maybe others will have their own. But please know that this came to her in this way and should remain intact.

6”×9” | 72 pages | ISBN: 9781714131570


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© 2024 All Rights Reserved | | All the artwork and paintings in this book are my own and may not be reproduced in any form, print or digital, without written permission.